

Therapist Profiles

Reiko Yamamoto, MSW

The reason I became a counselor

A long time ago, I met a wonderful psychotherapist who saved my life. He listened my story and deep grief without any judgement.  He didn’t need to change me, but believed in my ability to heal myself.

I experienced remembering my own power, was transformed and grew spiritually. I have been and will be forever grateful for my therapist.

Educational and Professional Background

*Tokyo Women’s Christian University, BA

*Columbia University, MSW

*Postgraduate Psychoanalytic Institute, 3 years of training

*Columbia University, Field Instructor Seminar, Completed

*Private Practice, NY, NY

*2003 Moved back to Japan and opened private practice

*Created and chaired NPO Holistic Health for 7 years

*Currently the director of Sogetsu Counseling Center

*EFT(emotional freedom technique) level 1, 2, therapist course completed

*NHA certified Advance Trainer


Additional Education: 

2015-The Nurtured Heart Approach® Trainer Course, Sacramento, CA 

2014- Sonia Chouquet 3 day Intuitive training, New York, NY 

2013- Vipassana Meditation 10 day retreat, completed. Kyoto, Japan 

2012- James Van Praagh 5 day training, completed. New York, NY 

2009- Laughter Yoga Instructor training, completed. Tokyo, Japan 

2008- Brian Weiss Past Life regression training, completed. New York, NY 

2007-2014- NPO Kokoro no Care Group Founder & Board Member, Shizuoka, Japan 

2003- Sogetsu Counseling Center founded. Shizuoka, Japan 

1998- Columbia University Field Instructor Training, completed. 

1996- New York State Certified Social Worker
1996- Columbia University, School of Social Work, M.S. Clinical Social Work
1995-2000 Postgraduate Center for Mental Health, Psychoanalytic Training Program, New York, NY.      

1992- Tokyo Women’s Christian University, B.S. Culture and Communication, Tokyo, Japan


Author of  “逆転のコミュニケーション法 NHAこころを育てるアプローチ難しさを抱えたすべての子どもたち、おとなたちへ”                                                           Available at Amazon at http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4880434450 


The Nurtured Heart Approach® was developed by Howard Glasser about 25 years ago. NHA® is a relationship-focused methodology strategically founded on The 3 Stands™ NHA is for helping children (and adults) build their Inner Wealth® and use their intensity in successful ways. It has become a powerful way of awakening the inherent greatness in all children while facilitating parenting and classroom success.                                         For more information: http://childrenssuccessfoundation.com/ 


I have received education in social work and done psychotherapy training in New York.  I have worked in various mental health settings, including a 9/11 mental health program.  In 2003, I moved to Japan and opened a private practice office, Sogetsu Counseling Center in Shizuoka.  Sogetsu now has two other therapists offering psychotherapy, supervision, seminars, speeches and NHA trainings.  My book “Communicating using upside down energy: Creating greatness by NHA” was published in October 2016. My current mission is to introduce NHA in Japan and to train young therapists as a Clinical Director.   


Eric Lenhardt, LCSW

The reason I became a counselor

I became a counselor to be a light of hope to those struggling through dark times.  In my young adulthood, a gifted counselor showed me that expressing myself openly could reduce my powerful negative emotions. Then, following my move to Japan, I began to see how each of us are challenged in ways we may never have imagined.  I humbly believe that these experiences were meant to assist me as a counselor.  My return to counseling after years away gives me an even greater appreciation for what the counseling connection has to offer.  Connection to each other helps us to see above and beyond our current circumstances to new possibilities and to reach for them.  This could be our work should you seek this kind of connection with me.

Educational and Professional Background

  • Training Institute for Mental Health, 4 Year Certificate in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 1999.
  • Yeshiva University, Master of Social Work, 1995.
  • University of Shizuoka, Assistant Professor, 2005 to present.
  • Corporate Counseling Associates, Inc., EAP Counselor, 1999-2003.
  • Brooklyn Psychiatric Centers, Inc., Psychotherapist, 1995-1999.



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